Douglas Miller

Douglas Miller, Ph.D.

Professor of Atmospheric Sciences


  • Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, 1996, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • M.S., Atmospheric Science, 1991, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
  • B.S., Atmospheric Science, 1987, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

Research Interests

My research focuses on situations when mountains influence the weather to make it have a high impact on humans compared to other situations when mountains diminish the chances of high impact weather. My field research focuses on observations of wintertime precipitation—primarily precipitation-type issues—in the cold season (SEMPE) and on variability of rainfall from individual storm scales to inter-annual scales for the Pigeon River Basin during the warm season (Duke GSMRGN, Mountain “Raingers”). Please find publications listed below providing additional details on these research endeavors.

Recent Publications

  • Miller, D.K., C.F. Miniat, R.M. Wooten, and A.P. Barros, 2019: An expanded investigation of
    atmospheric rivers in the southern Appalachian Mountains and their connection to landslides.
    Atmosphere, 10, 71 (DOI:10.3390/atmos10020071).
  • Miller, D.K., D. Hotz, J. Winton, and L. Stewart, 2018: Investigation of atmospheric rivers
    impacting the Pigeon River Basin of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Wea. Forecasting, 33,
    283-299 (DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-17-0060.1).
  • Eck, M.A., L.B. Perry, P.T. Soule, J.W. Sugg, and D.K. Miller, 2018: Winter climate variability
    in the southern Appalachian Mountains, 1910–2017. Int. J. of Climatol., 39, 206-217. (DOI:
  • Keighton, S., D.K. Miller, D. Hotz, P.D. Moore, L.B. Perry, L.G. Lee, and D. Martin, 2016:
    Northwest flow snow aspects of Hurricane Sandy. Wea. Forecasting, 31, 173-195 (DOI:
  • Martin, D.T., L.B. Perry, P.T. Soulé, D.K. Miller, 2015: Snowfall event characteristics from a
    high-elevation site in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Climate Research, 63, 171-190.